umetna vrana in golob

Ko na balkonu zagruli golob

Današnja zakonodaja ne dopušča drastičnega poseganja v golobjo populacijo. Kakšni so učinkoviti humani prijemi? Med letoma 1998 in 2004 so ljubljanske golobe hranili s kontracepcijsko koruzo, s čimer je v Dravljah v treh letih uspelo zmanjšati populacijo kar za 70 odstotkov, potem je postala nesprejemljiva. »Dvanajst let z golobi nismo imeli nobenih težav. Pred dnevi…

Birds droppings

The Human Health Dangers of Bird Droppings Associated with Building HVAC Systems

Washington DC — The most serious health risks arise from disease organisms that can grow in the nutrient-rich accumulations of bird droppings, feathers and debris. Not only are bird droppings an unsightly mess that can be difficult to remove and cause slip-and-fall accidents, they also harbor numerous human pathogens.  How dangerous are bird droppings to human health? …